Itinerary – Zimbabwe

Most days will include yoga and/or group sharing circles, and often brief meditation, in addition to the listed activities. Three meals a day are also provided.

The Most Moving Experience

Did I tell you guys the safari was the most emotionally moving experience I’ve ever had? Well, it was. [read more]

— Red B., 2013

Due to the unpredictable nature of travel in general and African travel in particular, all trip details are subject to change.

DAY 1:  Get picked up at Bulawayo airport. Afternoon rest, group meeting, and dinner. Overnight at Sethule Lodge.

DAY 2: Transfer to Zvishavane, meet with local officials, food shopping, transfer to Mazhviha.  Welcome meetings.  Overnight as guests in homes of community members.

DAYS 3-5: Participate in village life as guests of Muonde Trust.  Group meetings, discussions, and celebrations.  Plan shared activities.  Observe and participate in Muonde Trust Projects.

DAY 6: Morning village activities and farewells.  Transfer to Bulawayo.  Overnight at Southern Comfort Lodge.

DAY 7: Transfer to Hwange N. Park.  Afternoon game drive.  Overnight at Ganda Lodge.

DAYS 8-10: Varied game drives and walks.  Possibility of evening game drives.  Overnight at Ganda.

DAY 11: Transfer to Victoria Falls.  Overnight at Gertie’s Lodge.

DAY 12:  Early morning walking tour of Victoria Falls (before crowds dominate the site). Possibility to book various afternoon activities at own expense.  Special sunset drinks and dinner.  Overnight at Gertie’s.

DAY 13: Closing circle.  Transfer to Victoria Falls Airport for departures.

Botswana Extension

DAY 13: Transfer to Kasane, Botswana.  Afternoon drive into park.  Overnight at Chobe Bush Camp.

DAY 14: All day game drive.  Overnight at Bush Camp.

DAY 15: Return through park to Kasane.  Afternoon wildlife viewing from boat on Chobe River.  Overnight at Water Lily Lodge.

DAY 16: Possible morning game drive if time permits.  Closing circle.  Transfer to Kasane Airport for departures.